Document sans titre

ROBOAM | gallery

Presentation of photographic works and artistic research


Yves JUMEAU, alias ROBOAM, has always had an attractiveness for the medical field, with fragile childhood health and a very significant scoliosis. Fascinated by the body as the object of this questioning, he had the privilege of accompanying an obstetrician in a surgical block during a day of surgery. This experience opened a new field of exploration for him.

Universe Inside

Universe Inside

X-rays, carried out in the company of a manipulator in radiology, are the basis of this work, a true celebration of the complexity of life. Roboam engages this material, which he used earlier in some sculptures, in an abstraction that plunges us into questioning our certainties and uncertainties. Moreover, Roboam questions our relationship to pictorial expression, which is no longer linked solely to painting.

Meeting Eyes

Meeting Eyes

This work proposes to put into perspective individual identities and collective identities. For this, Roboam borrows masks from all continents, to transmit them animated with a glance. It is a connection and matching of these looks and masks, proposing a signifier. It is an inscription in the continuity of his work of sculpture, developed on the theme of the social mask, philosophical, psychological ...

Wet Dreams

Wet Dreams

Questioning my emotional memory !



Exhibition, Press kit, Critics Lensculture, Magnum etc.



Metanoïa: meaning a radical change of thinking, state of mind, attitude, a deep transmutation of consciousness. Similar to the case of metal that becomes another one during an alchemical process. According to Treadwell Walden 1830-1918. For this realization I shoot paved terracotta and I show the fracture by the red color, partially covered with gold leafs. The powers of the underground appear like a message." it's up to us to reveal them" © Adagp, Paris, 2019

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